Discovery of the Castle

The Winegrower Pass Visit and discovery of the domain. From the builders of Terride, the life we led in the 19th century, the planting of the vineyard, the murder that served as the basis for the book “The Blood of the Vine” by Jean-Pierre Alaux, nothing will have any secret for you. But also a … Read more

Solex ride with Vintage Cyclomoteur 81

Balade en cyclomoteur vintage

From the Château de Terride, solex ride in the Tarn Enjoy a ride in the heart of the Tarn countryside on a solex of Vintage moped 81. We propose a departure from the Château de Terride for a 2-hour vintage ride. On reservation Price: 35 € per person on reservation at 0563332663

The wines of Gaillac : history of a vineyard

Gaillac is one of the oldest vineyards in France. The discovery of wine consumption and trade in the Gaillacois territory is attested by archaeological research.  Amphorae for storage, vats or containers used to transport wine were discovered. The cultivation of the vine was imported into the Gaillacois by the Romans, following the first conquest of … Read more